martes, 22 de abril de 2008


Ok, today I'm writing my last post, and I don’t say goodbye, I say see you later, I want to thank all of my classmates, because I think we’re a very good group, my friends, because they were always there, helping and making me feel better.
Also I want to thank my teachers, because without them, school, wouldn’t be the same, teachers bless the future, they’re a very important element at school, without them, school will not be a school, everybody is important, I know that sometimes we have little problems, but everything has a solution.
I specially want to thank to teacher Cabrales, because he had a great idea, instead of going to the SAC, we only have to write short stories, or articles, or even to tell something about us, it’s easier, better, and you can do it from your house, at any hour.
I hope next semester we could continue with this thing, I think we learn more than going to the sac to read a book, or listening similar things that you listen at your English class, that’s so boring, just to listen a tape or even to copy exercises from books that was so boring and tired. I prefer to write on my blog and that’s all.
Sometimes I couldn’t write because all the Easter vacation I didn’t have a computer, that’s why I had t do a lot of posts on April, at first, on January, I didn’t know that we had to write twice a week, that’s why I didn’t do it, but one day, one friend told me and that’s why I started to write.
Well, thank you everybody! And see you next semester, I hope you have a great time at next summer vacation, enjoy your life!!!!

My BeST FrIenD---

Well I really don't know who my best friend is, I think I have two. Those people are very special to me, they're Lulú and Monse.
Lulú is my friend, since we were in elementary school, then at secondary school, after that at high school, and now at colleague, we are together again, also we work together, and every Friday we go to take a course together.
We never get bored about us, we spend a lot of time together, I love her, we enjoy every single second that we spend together; we are always talking, laughing, making jokes, listening to music, dancing or singing, she is very honest, patient, reliable and she’s a very nice girl.
On the other part, Monse is also my best friend because she is a very good girl, she’s very funny, if I’m with her I am always laughing, she said a lot of things that make me laugh, she so nice, and reliable, we spend a lot of time together, at school, and sometimes I go to her house or she goes to mine.
My two best friends are part of my life, I love them as if they were my sisters, sometimes we have rapport, this is like mental interconnection, like to dress the same color, to say the same things at the same time, or to think the same, I don’t know why it happens but is very funny.

My FavOrIte TeAcHer***

Now I’m going to talk about one special person to me.
She was my teacher, when I was in secondary school.

She was my teacher for two years, and then at high school for one year, she was teaching advanced English, her name is Imelda Caballero. Lulú and me were in the same English classroom, and she was our teacher, everybody loved her, because she is a very good teacher, she was always laughing,making jokes, more than our teacher, she was like our friend or even sh was like part of our family. Everything that you need, like an advice, she was always there for you, she always taking care of us, helping us and talking with us about everything, all the problems that you have or the different things that happened arround the world.

She is an example of an excellent teacher, I admire her a lot, someday, I want to be s good as she is.

Everbody at the Anglo should be very proud of having her as a teacher, I miss her a lot, I hope god bless her, for everything she is and she does.

Sleepy Hollow (The Leyend)

This is about a movie that I saw, it’s name is The leyend of Sleepy Hollow, it happened in New York City, in 1799 the detective Crane was sent by his boss, to investigate at the Sleepy Hollow army. Different people have been found without head, their heads weren’t with the body. Crane went to the town, taking with him his scientific instruments made by him. Mr. Crane was investigating the murders of the Headless Horseman. Everybody in that town told him about the headless horseman but he didn’t believe it, so he started with his investigations.
He went into a house, there was like a party, it was the Van Tassel’s house, he was supposed to stay there. Crane met the daughter of Mr. Van Tassel, her name was Katrina, and her stepmother too, the Lady Van Tassel. After a lot of things, he saw the Hormeman and now he could believe. He went to the Tree of the Death, he tried to break it and a lot of blod splashed out, all the heads of the decapitaded people were there, and inside that, the Horseman was resting.
Finally he discovered that Katrina’s stepmother, the Lady Van Tassel, sent the killer after her, because she had the horseman’s skull and she can controll him. Mr. Crane returned the skull to the Horseman, and he took Lady Van Tassel with him, all the heads were returned. When his job was finished in that town, he returned to New York taking Katrina, and young Masbath that helped him, and a new century was just starting.

LaSt SuMmEr

Last summer I went to Monterrey, my cousins and I went to the Fundidora Park, to skate on ice.
It was so faboulous, I have never gone to one place like that, I was very excited, the only bad thing is at you can only skate for one hour, and then you have to go out, when I was there, I was skating with my cousin Diana, and we were playing, suddenly, she told me that my cousin felt down, and then I stopped, and I turned back to see my cousin on the floor, I was laughing at him, and I don't know what happened, but I felt down too, and the trainer of that place, helped me to stand up, and he asked me if I was ok, and I was crying and I told him yes.
This picture was before the fall, the floor was so cold and rough, my face got red, and my hands and arms too, it was so bad, it was a very embarazing day...
All of my cousins where laughing at me! :S

lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

A Bad ExPeRieNce:_:_:_;_;

Today I'm going to talk about one horrible thing...

Two years ago, on my birthday, i started to feel bad, Ican't stand my stomach, it was so stressful, I have a stomach ache that I couldn't control.

All the day I felt bad, it was so sad, because it was my birthday!!!!

I was really sad that everybody was happy, and I was so tired and with that ache.

I vomited several times, and I came back from school, I went to my house, I ate some medicine, I drank apple juice and crakets.

After all that, my brother gave me a surprise, he prepared me a lasagne, the smell was really good, it was so delicious, but I couldn't eat. So I was sick!!!!

Two years later, I went to the doctor, she made me endoscopy, and she told me that I have five gastric ulcers and one hiatal hernia, well I have no idea of what was this, so I asked her, and she told me that is something like if the stomach was going up, and it was like going inside the esophago and it causes a reflux, she told me that this was very common, especially in people over 50 years old, but I was only 18, I don't know what happened.

That's why sometimes a have terrible stomach aches.

Now I'm on a diet, but I have to eat medicine too, four pills pair day, my diet is not a normal diet, it's a really horrible diet, because I can't eat anything!!!!

Is horrible that everybody eats everything and I can't eat!!!

I can only eat some fruits, one vegetable, chiken, beef, but it has to be boiled, or fried, anything more, and I can only drink water!!!

This picture shows you the hiatal hernia, after and before a surgury.

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

***SeCoNdArY ScHooL***

In this picture, I'm with my friends, we are in 3rd grade of secondary school. In this picture is Karen, Claudia, Lulú, Edna, Daniel, Roweena & me.

We used to be together during recess, we had a lot of great experiences that we still remember.

We were good friends, in that age of my life, I remember a lot of games, and different activities and jokes that we used to do.

I remember my friend KAren, she was always falling down, from the stairs, from the chair, in the classroom, in recess, in sports class, it doesn't matter where, she was always on the floor.

Edna & Daniel were always making jokes, Lulú and me were always helping them, and doing games, Roweena was always singing, she sings very well, in every party she used to sing, and Claudia was always angry about the jokes that we made her.

dUrInG SChOoL!!!

These were my friends from left to right the first one is Claudia, the next one is Karen Eliana, and then is Belveth, next to me is Carolina, and the last one is Karen.
We used to be good friends, we were together in highschool. In this picture we have the same blouse because we were a team, we were at school, we had a project of having a company, we had to invent a product, and make our company, we sold braselets and earings.
Our company was named J4G, it means Just For Girls. We had a lot of work there, we had to count everything and do a lot of things. We had a very hard day, but we had a lot of fun.


Hawaii is an island, it's part of the US, their typical dance is named hawaiian.

I learned how to dance hawaiian, when I was 12 I used to go to hawaian classes.

I learned not only hawaian, I also learned tahitian, is similar, but the difference is that hawaiian is like slowly, and tahitian is quikly, you have to move your hips vry fast doing circles, the circles are named amis and if you move it like an eight is named swing, you can also do boxes doing a movement, well you have to do four moves the first one to the front, then you stop, and you move to the right, you stop, and you move to the back, you stop, and finally you move to the left, and there you have a box, anther difference is that in hawaiian, you express the song with your movements, but you use your hands a lot, and in tahitan, you use pompoms, the ones that the cheerleaders use. I like to dance hawaian, but I love to dnce tahitian.
One day I will go to hawaii, well this is my dream!!!

SwEeT FiFtEeN...

I'm writing about my fifteen birthday party!

It was a wonderful day, all my family, my friends and I had a great time at the party.

I designed my own dress it was of my favorite color light purple, it was like a princess dress, the sleeves were similar to rapunzells dress, I loved my party, and I had a bg surprise, well, my father gave me that surprise, in those days, there were a pair of clowns that I used to watch at TV, they were Mayin & Chilindrin, so my father took them to my party, I couldn't believe it!!! they were dancing for me!!!

It was a wonderful party, and I will never forget that experience.

Hello! Today I'm going to write about me!

But when I was little, well I still little, but when I was younger.

Here are some pictures where I am, the first one is when I got married, huh, just kidding, is in May, I was taking flowers to the virgin at the church.

In the next picture I'm with my brother, we are in a car, we are wearing pajamas,
on the next one....

I'm with my brother again, but now we're playing, he is driving his "car" and I'm just trying to sit down but I have a big dress,and I can't!!!!

On this picture, I'm alone, just posing for the camera, I love pictures!!!

On the last picture I'm alone, sitting on a chair, I'm in my grandmother's house in Cd. Del Carmen.

All of these pictures were along time agoooo, well like 15 or 16 years ago.

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

*-* a ChEeRlEaDiNG ExPeRieNcE *-*

Since I knew the things that the cheerleaders do, I wanted to become one. My dream was to become a cheerleader and fly like a bird in a sky.
One day, I had the opportunity to be one, the coach of the cheerleading squad of the university where I study, invited me to be part of the squad.
I said yes! I thought it was an opportunity to learn and practice that extreme sport.
I started to go one year ago, every night at 9 pm I was there, at the gym. Sometimes we train on weekends, because we have to practice a lot.
I had learned a lot of things, the first day that I went there, I learned how to do a stunt and a basic. Two weeks later I could do a stunt, a torch, a basic, and other things on the air, also I could do the super, the one of the picture.
I love to be part of that squad, we represent the school. I still think that some day I could become a famous cheerleader or be part of another squad.

**My CoUsInS**

I have a lot of cousins, but this time I’m going to talk about two of them.
When I was little I used to play a lot with my cousin Edy, my cousin Nashelly and my brother, but when it was a girl’s game, I play only with Nash.
We have always been good cousins, then when we were 12 years old, we had a new cousin, a little baby girl came to our lives.
Her name was Ashley, now she’s 7 years old, both of them are my cousins, but I think they’re more than that, we are like sisters.
Some times we do pajama’s party at my house, at Nash’s house or at Ashley’s house. We love to go to parties together, to the movies, go shopping, or even to the beach.
We enjoy a lot the time that we are together, we try to see each other once or twice a week, if can’t go out, they call me or I call them.
We love to cook, to dance, to watch movies, eat popcorns, sing, chat, and sleep. Some times we play chess, or monopoly, other times, we go to the park or we stay home to rest. I love them, because I think that my life without them, wouldn’t be as special as they may it.

SaN aNtOnIo, TeXaS

Last summer my family and I went to San Antonio, TX. We had a great experience there. We visited a lot of places and we had a lot of fun. We went to Fiesta Texas, my brother and I went into the Superman, an enormous and scared mechanic game, the one that you can see on the picture, we saw a lot of shows and we enjoyed the park a lot.
The next day we went to Sea World, we saw Shamoo, the whale, it’s a big and black whale, we were sat down in the splash zone, so Shamoo splashed the cold and salted water to us, it was so funny, because we were very wet, we were dying because of the cold.
We went to the side walk mall, right there we saw the cowgirls cheerleaders squad, my brother and my father had a picture with two of them, and a autograph.
The next day we went to eat big hamburgers to long horns, they were delicious, after that we went to “la cantera” mall, it was o beautiful and big.
The other day , we went to the believe it or not museum, after that we went to the Harley Davidson store named, “caliente”, I love that store, there are a lot of motorcycles, clothes, shoes, and accessories. I love going to San Antonio, because there I have one very special part of my family, my uncle Orlando, my aunt Daisy, and my cousin Don.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

An endangered species

I'm going to talk about the whales. An important and beautiful specie, is a whale, it doesn't matter what color is it, is very crucial to protect them by not contaminating our seas so they can live.

Some people don't care about it and they throw trash or garbage, petroleum, fuel, batteries, etc to the seas or oceans and the poor whales die because their habitat s polluted, and this is one of the main problems in these days.

Our idea is t create a law that protects animals, and our environment, because is part of our life, and every factory, company, or anybody that affects the nature by polluting, shoud be sancionated.

We hve to take care of everything we have, and prtect all the animals.

This composition was one homework, the team is Iris and me. April 2nd.2008

.-.-.At NiGhT.-.-.

Here we are at never land; here are my cousins, my boyfriend, and I.
The first one from left to right is my cousin Donald, but we call him Don, he is 29, he lives in San Antonio, TX and he works in a gas company, the next one is my cousin Zalma, she's 15 and she lives in Reynosa, next to her it's me,and then is my boyfriend Rafa, next to him, is my cousin Lisi, she is 18, she is also from Reynosa, but she studies in Edinburgh in the Pan American school of Texas, next to her is her sister, Galia she's 15 and she studies in McAllen, up there at the right corner is my cousin Nashelly, we just call her Nash, she's 20,she is studying medicine at the UNE, next to her is her brother Edy, he is 18, and he studies high school here in Tampico. In that picture, we were just having fun, together, we went to never land, to have some drinks, and then we went to a night club at the beach, after that we went to eat dinner, and then everybody went to sleep. We had a great day, this was the last weekend of vacation.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

**my FaMiLy**

This is my family. My father is Luis, my mother is Martha, my brother is Juan Luis, he is 21, and me, Martha, I'm 20.
We are a very little family, but we are happy like this. We love to be together, to go to eat at restaurants, to go to trips, to visit some places, to go to the movies, to go shopping, to go to McAllen, or to other places.
Each year we go to other countries like 3 or 4 times, we spend a lot of time together. I think we are a very good family.
My father works in an industrial company, he is coordinator of security and environment, my mother works for an English program in public elementary schools, and she’s a coordinator too.
My brother is studying engineering in industrial maintenance, and I’m working in an elementary school, as a teacher, and also studying a BA in English language. This picture was in New Year 2008, we’re in my house, in the dining room, we were celebrating.
I love my family, because when I have a problem, they always help me, they support me a lot, I don’t see them all day, that’s why we try to be together on weekends.
Although we’re a little family I love it a lot, like that!

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

My CoUsIn & mE

Hi again!!!
Now here’s my cousin and me, his name is Eduardo, but I call him Edy.
He is 18 years old, I know he looks older than me, because he’s taller, but he is just a baby, I’m older than him.
He’s one of my favorite cousins, we spend a lot time together, sometimes we go to my grandma’s house, or he goes to my house to have lunch or to have dinner, or other times I go to his house.
Since we were children we were very good cousins, I never had a problem with him, I never fight with him, he’s like my brother. In some thing we are the same, for example, we like the same type of music, we like to dance, we like the same type of food, etc
Some people say that we look that if we were siblings, because they say he looks like me, but I don’t know.
In this picture we were at the beach, we went last vacation; we stayed there for 5 hours, it was a very good day, it was very sunny and hot.
I got a very good sun tan, I was red, but that night I couldn’t sleep, it was so bad, that everything hurts me!
Well, that’s all for today, see you!!!

My FrIenDs & I

Hi, now here are my friends and me!!!
As you can see my Friends are Monse, Lulú, Fatima, Greisly, Mara and Iris.
But there’s a little problem…
In this picture we’re missing Lulú and Fatty… Sorry babies, you know I love you girls,right? ok, now I’m going to start…We spend a lot time together, we love to be everywhere, and sometimes we go to the movies, other times we go shopping, or to the beach, wherever, we have fun everywhere we go.
On Thursdays night we like to go out, well in other words we love to go to discos, to livin, to lifes, to never land, we love to dance, and have a great time, we call it Lady’s night, because is just for girls, we don’t invite any guy.
Sometimes we meet new people there, we socialize, and sometimes we see old friends that we haven’t seen for years. Sometimes we go to have dinner first and then we go to the disco.
My friends are very important to me, we are very cool and nice girls, we love to be together, we are always playing, dancing, singing, or even doing homework, we always get in one group to work.
I think that my friends are very special to me because they are always trying to have wonderful remembers of the life, although sometimes we have little problems, we always try to fix them. I love my friends and I thank God because I have them.