This is about a movie that I saw, it’s name is The leyend of Sleepy Hollow, it happened in New York City, in 1799 the detective Crane was sent by his boss, to investigate at the Sleepy Hollow army. Different people have been found without head, their heads weren’t with the body. Crane went to the town, taking with him his scientific instruments made by him. Mr. Crane was investigating the murders of the Headless Horseman. Everybody in that town told him about the headless horseman but he didn’t believe it, so he started with his investigations.
He went into a house, there was like a party, it was the Van Tassel’s house, he was supposed to stay there. Crane met the daughter of Mr. Van Tassel, her name was Katrina, and her stepmother too, the Lady Van Tassel. After a lot of things, he saw the Hormeman and now he could believe. He went to the Tree of the Death, he tried to break it and a lot of blod splashed out, all the heads of the decapitaded people were there, and inside that, the Horseman was resting.
Finally he discovered that Katrina’s stepmother, the Lady Van Tassel, sent the killer after her, because she had the horseman’s skull and she can controll him. Mr. Crane returned the skull to the Horseman, and he took Lady Van Tassel with him, all the heads were returned. When his job was finished in that town, he returned to New York taking Katrina, and young Masbath that helped him, and a new century was just starting.
He went into a house, there was like a party, it was the Van Tassel’s house, he was supposed to stay there. Crane met the daughter of Mr. Van Tassel, her name was Katrina, and her stepmother too, the Lady Van Tassel. After a lot of things, he saw the Hormeman and now he could believe. He went to the Tree of the Death, he tried to break it and a lot of blod splashed out, all the heads of the decapitaded people were there, and inside that, the Horseman was resting.
Finally he discovered that Katrina’s stepmother, the Lady Van Tassel, sent the killer after her, because she had the horseman’s skull and she can controll him. Mr. Crane returned the skull to the Horseman, and he took Lady Van Tassel with him, all the heads were returned. When his job was finished in that town, he returned to New York taking Katrina, and young Masbath that helped him, and a new century was just starting.
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